Tikka June 22nd position 49 20 378N 006 46 480W

Fri 22 Jun 2018 19:54
Tikka June 22nd position 49 20 378N 006 46
Hi all
We tacked north at day break this morning after spending
all day heading north it is six o'clock in the evening and we have just tacked
back to the East Lands End 60 miles to NE. Just our luck to get back to the Uk
to an Easterly on our nose up the channel. on a good note the sun is shining and we should pick up a lift with the incoming
spring tide tonight it looks like the wind is going to die
Augustin has been chatting to several passing French
Trawlers on the VHF and Rob has been helming most of the afternoon
Graham,Malin and I have been reading all in all it has been a very
pleasant day as the sea state is some what better although I'm not to happy
about the drop in temperature since Bermuda.