October 26th

Shaun and Ainur Weaver
Sun 26 Oct 2014 05:21
0900 GMT Oct 26th
27 24.8S 044 42.6E
We had a calm quiet motoring day yesterday into light W winds until 0300 this morning when the wind veered SSW and we able to get sailing again. The wind gradually crept into the S and now we're cracking on at 7+ knots on a direct course for Richards bay 673 nm away. last night we had our Sunday roast -chops -while it was still calm - SE 20 - 30 knots forecast for tonight so something simple for dinner. We are in company wwith Hokalaya and Kite - both from the USA - all 3 boats are wihin 10 nm of each other so w have regular radio chats.All well on board if a little wild at times