Atoll Heaven

Mon 1 Jun 2015 18:58
16:39.350S 143:23.543W
Friday, 29 May 2015
We spent a couple more days in Rairoia relishing the beautiful snorkelling,
friendly reception from the villagers and, for Bungles, the chance to get some
kite boarding. The “brothers” who are also kite board enthusiasts, own a
pearl farm and they took out Lucy and Bungles to their farm to show them how
it’s done. At the time, they were involved in taking in small shells from
the lagoon to the land base so that the seed pearl could be inserted to the
oyster and then taken back out to the farm in the lagoon to mature and to grow
into the treasured black pearls. This is highly specialised work and an
expert had come from Tahiti to do the work, known as “grafting”.
![]() ![]() We are now in the atoll of Makemo, having left Raroia on Sunday, 24 May for
a night sail. The first part of the passage was downwind and easy, then we had
to turn South, leaving Taenga well to port, and found ourselves on a reach
across the sea, doing 7 knots plus under three reefs and a bit bumpy. This
speed was going to put us ahead of our scheduled dawn arrival time so we hove-to
for an hour and then set off again. A few hours later, the sun came up and land,
or rather palm trees, came into view. Much effort and science had gone
into trying to predict when slack water would occur in the pass but not much
confidence attached to the result. So we approached with caution, found
conditions good, went in, motored around to the little harbour/dock and dropped
the hook. Hurray! Our second atoll and still in one piece.
Once again, we found an unexpectedly modern and well built dock, modern
facilities ashore, bakery, shops, lighthouse, schools and, by comparison with
Raroia, quite a town with paved roads, street signs, neat gardens with fences, a
huge church, airport, etc. Near the dock there was a large sports hall
with football, basketball, and so on. The Tuomotus are renowned for the
skill of their craftsmen in sculpting mother of pearl so we set off in search of
carvers, successfully locating Billy (and his wife Sylvane) and the house of
Gerard, who featured in our pilot guide. He wasn’t at home but his wife
showed us examples of his work. While admiring the skills involved, we
were not particularly drawn to the designs. By comparison with the
Marquesas where the wood and stone carving all incorporate powerful traditional
motifs, many drawn from the art of tattoo, the pearl carvings appeared to be
adapted to the taste of foreigners. Here is a picture of Billy at work on
a large pearl oyster shell:
![]() ![]() ![]() After two nights in the harbour, several more yachts had arrived including
Lavinda, Let it Go and Sabir from Raroia. The yachties gathered ashore one
evening for a drink followed by movies in the sports hall. There were
screening two documentaries, the first of which provided some interesting
insight into the atomic bomb testing that the French had done in nearby Mururoa.
Viewed from the perspective of the local people who were affected, there is much
to be unhappy about – epidemic of cancers caused by radiation, displacement,
lack of information or access (Mururoa is classified as a military base and off
limits. Information on the tests and the status of the atoll remain
secret). Indeed we have heard reports that the atoll’s structure has been
gravely compromised, that there is a large split in the coral with the dual risk
![]() ![]() Meanwhile it was getting crowded in the anchorage so we pulled up our hook
– together with a large steel pipe on which it had been fouled, much to the
amusement of the other yachties.
![]() Then we set off to the North East corner of the atoll to find the reputed
Trou Baleine, or Whale Hole. Navigating within the atoll means keeping a
sharp lookout for the many coral heads that are scattered in the lagoon.
These pop up from 40 metres depth without warning. Big ones are easy to
see since they are mini reefs with breaking waves, but the little ones are more
dangerous. Here is our beautiful lookout team on the
![]() Two hours later we found ourselves in heaven. We were the only boat
in sight, calm azure sea, safely anchored in shallow water behind sand banks
with the palm fringed shore to our left and the bare reef to our right.
![]() We’ve been here for five days just exploring and going native.
Collecting shells, snorkelling, kite boarding, hunting crabs and lobsters, bird
watching (trying to spot the rare Tuomotu sand piper), eating coconuts
..... One guy, Taevo, arrived in his little boat to work on his
copra plantation and stayed a couple of days. He showed Bungles and Lucy
how to shuck a green coconut, how to open one to drink the water inside, how to
extract the sweet soft meat, etc. However he couldn’t help us find the
mantis shrimp – the varo, a local delicacy – which is supposed to live
here. He had no knowledge of the varo. Let it Go also arrived a stayed a
couple of days. These are the french couple, Laurent and Valerie and their
son Benjamin whom we had met in Raroia. We celebrated Banjamin’s 18th birthday
on board their boat with a magnificent dinner and enjoyable evening but we are
alone again now. As for the Trou, this turned out to be a steep drop off
from the sand bank into the lagoon, forming a deep pool. We’re not sure if
its name derives from the shape of the pool or from the real (or mythological)
whales that come to calf here.
We find it hard to tear ourselves away from this spot. Are we ever
going to find another place to compare? Our aim had been to make Tahanea
our next stop, followed by Fakarava, but now we are not too sure. For now,
we are waiting for the wind and sea (in the ocean) to calm down a bit before
proceeding. Here in the lagoon, all is calm and beautiful.
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