Departing Galapagos

Tue 10 Mar 2015 13:34
09: 44.94S 090:18.50W
1900 UT Tuesday, 10 March 2015
Our time in the Galapagos is coming to an end. We set off at midday
on the 3,000 nm passage to Hiva Oa island. Lovesail and crew have enjoyed an
unforgettable experience here, more of which later – there will be plenty of
time to catch up on blogging. As I write this, the wind is 4 knots.
At that rate we’ll still be in the bay here in a week’s time but I’m confident
that we will be able to find some breeze later to take us on our way. Our
plan is to head SW until we get to about 5 degrees South and then we should be
in the trade winds and able to alter course to due West for a long time.
Weather outlook is fine and no problems anticipated. In fact we are all
eager to get on our way again and continue the adventure.
More news to follow.
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