Arrival Santa Cruz, Tenerife

Sat 7 Jan 2012 15:00
28: 27.946N 016:14.636W
Crossing went smoothly. Breeze generally E F4 we sailed comfortable
with shortened canvas and experienced our first meals and night watches
together. Pretty cold at night but we found it was possible to keep a good
watch from inside with periodic spell on top to take a good look around.
Very little shipping but we still had a couple of quite close encounters,
notably the cruise ship Aida Sol which came up behind us in the night and then
treated us to a laser light show from their disco on the top deck at a range of
about three quarters of a mile! We approached Santa Cruz after lunch and
berthed in the marina on a finger dock at 1500.
Altogether an excellent shake down for all of us.
Lovesail will stay in Santa Cruz while we travel to London, returning on
Wed, 11 Jan. This gives us the chance for yet more last minute jobs and
provisioning. |