Another Day

Thu 22 Jan 2015 14:57
1200 22/1/2015
Not much happening here. We have a bit more breeze and are sailing
under main and genoa, still going West, still quite slowly, still
comfortable. The other rally boats are to the South of us, on a more
direct route but we have chosen to stay North in order to keep away from the
coast and, hopefully, to pass to the North of the notoriously rough conditions
that prevail off the Colombian coast near Medallin and Cartegena. However
the current forecast is for benign conditions ahead so we may decide to start
cutting the corner a bit, but not just yet.
Bungles and Lulu doing a great job sailing the boat, with Lulu handling the
foredeck work when hoisting/dropping the spinnaker. Well done Lulu!
Crew all well and in good spirits. No fish to report, although we’ve had a
couple of nibbles on the line.
xx |