Marie Gallante and Petites Terres. It's a whopper!

Mon 19 Mar 2012 16:00
16:10.546N 061:06.676W
Monday, 19 March 1010 LT
Sunday, 18 March. Early start again and off to Marie Gallante under
motor. Three hours later we’ve arrived and drop anchor in 2 metres off the
beach/jetty. A few houses ashore make up the town of St. Louis. This
town has only one horse, but also a butcher, boulangerie, and even an ATM that
works. We check it all out in about 30 mins, including 15 mins spent
having a coffee and delicious biscuit made of caramel and coconut. After
that excitement, we return to LS and move a mile up the coast to Anse Canot
where there is a hotel hidden behind the palms, people on the beach, some boats
anchored nearby (we now have about 1 metre under our bottom). Later the
boats depart and we are left, very quiet.
Monday, 19 March. Another early start and motor to Petites Terre
which are two very small islands/islets with a narrow channel between them,
protected by a reef on the east. Looking forward to this. But first,
“Tuna, tuna!”. Hooked in classic style using the yellow/green lure plus
added ballyhoo (“All fish love ballyhoo”) in deep water close to the drop
off. 15 lbs and enough meat to feed us and others for days. It’s a
![]() If this wasn’t enough excitement, we then have to pilot our way into the
anchorage. Fortunately the conditions are good. Skip is reading and
re-reading the pilot instructions, plus putting waypoints into the GPS every few
metres to guide us over the bar while avoiding the reefs. It’s a bit scary
as the depth gauge keeps dropping and dropping, but then we breath again as it
rises once more. Thank goodness there are laid moorings. We head for
the closest, moor up and relax. Now this is what I call a beautiful
anchorage. I know there are a few tripper boats, but once they have gone
home, we are left with palms, white sand, crystal water, fish, turtles, rays,
tarpon,baby shark, terns, plover and IGUANAS! It’s another whopper!
Obviously we have to stay here another day, and we do, eating tuna for
breakfast, lunch and dinner. Enough! We give lots away to neighbouring
yachties but still we have too much.
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