Lilli Mae - Rides Again - No wind....again!

Lilli Mae
Sun 2 Jun 2024 12:31
Hi everyone, hope you are all well wherever you are?

It has been a couple of days of lows and highs……or in Rick’s words sh*t OR gold! 

As at 1000 UT today (Sun 2 Jun) we have 212 miles to Horta. At the moment we have no wind and so we are back to using the engine. We have about 300 litres of fuel left which gives us a range of about 220 miles. There is no wind in the forecast between now and Monday and so we have to keep our eyes open for opportunities to sail for a few hours to conserve fuel. It is going to be close!

Our wind forecast for this morning shows big blue and green patches. These are very light wind areas. Lilli Mae weighs 30 tonnes and so needs at least 10-15 for her to sail with the wind behind. At the moment we are in wind of 5 knots or less. 

So a few things have happened over the past few days on our sailing balance sheet of sh*t OR gold.

Our mainsail furler has stopped working which means we cannot use the hydraulic system to adjust the mainsail. This is quite a big job to fix and so we are working out what we need to do and where.

We had some difficulty with the parasailor when we tried flying it in light wind yesterday. It is now stowed and we think needs some significant repair. It may be a “dead’ parasailor and potentially put to rest with our spinnaker.

On the “gold" side of this equation 

Mike rigged up a great main sail furling solution using a drill which means we can at least furl the main sail in and out at the mast.

We had tuna steak and eggs for breakfast this morning!


The sail furler is one of a few Lilli Mae’s “cuts and bruises” that we need to pay attention to over the next few weeks. 

So for the moment we are keeping our fingers crossed and touching wood for a little more wind today and tomorrow. We are all fine and in good spirits. Lots of food to be eaten and beers to be drunk en route to Horta. Fishing lines are out!

If we have enough fuel or get a bit of wind we could make it to Horta on early Monday morning. If not then we could be drifting for a long time!

We will keep you updated on our progress.
Thanks to everyone for engaging with our adventure.

From the crew aboard Lilli Mae.


email: lilli_mae {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com