Leg 1 - Day 3 in the "Bay"

Lilli Mae
Wed 10 Jul 2019 06:38
Good morning everyone. Well we are about 117 miles from
La Coruna, Spain. We think we will arrive at about 0500 on Thursday morning.
Lovely sunny day (again) this morning. Absolutely nothing in sight at the moment
although I did spot the sails of 2 yachts this morning. Flat calm sea and no
wind! Just as well we have got a lot of fuel! I am on watch. All other crew
members in bed! You just can't get the "staff"! Anyway I am attaching a picture
of the sunset from the boat last night! Hopefully it will work this time. Will
catch-up later....time for breakfast! H email:lilli_mae {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com Sat Phone: +881 632 652 724 Tracker https://eur-share.inreach.garmin.com/LilliMae |