Lilli Mae - Rides Again - Preparing for departure to mainland Europe

Lilli Mae
Thu 13 Jun 2024 22:13
Hi Everyone, Hope you are all well? It is the eve of our departure to Lagos, Portugal. Tomorrow at 12 noon UTC we will start the 820 nm journey. Quite a lot has happened since we last reported. We did have another amazing coincidence! ![]() Andrew and Howard become reacquainted in 2022 and more recently spent time together in October 23 at Andrew and his partner Susan's home in Vermont. Howard and Andrew were inseparable when they were 19 year old college students but before their reacquaintance in 22, they had not seen or been in contact with each other since 1978! Imagine the delight of realising we were both in Sao Miguel at the same time! Great to see you Susan and Andrew! ![]() The other major event is that Alan and Rick had a haircut! Alan has been seeking ways of displaying his Canadian identity on Lilli Mae. However he has had to settle for displaying his pride in his Norwegian parental heritage. Nice one Alan! ![]() And we were honoured by another visit from the Annings. Dave snd Shirley came to visit Lilli Mae after the boys had enjoyed some amazing orange chocolate cake that Cerys (Dave and Shirley’s daughter) had baked. The Lilli Mae team loved it! Thanks Cerys! ![]() We are pretty much ready to go and we are looking forward to getting underway. We are expecting quite a fast passage and an ETA of 19th or 20th June. There are some light wind patches in the forecast but our hope is to sail it all the way. Our tracker will be on from around 11 UTC (112 BST) tomorrow and you will be able to follow us on passage. The ARC tracker will show you where we are in relation to the other 24 boats who are on passage on the same route. ![]() If you select the option "3a. S Miguel to Lagos, Portugal" you should be able to see Lilli Mae and all the other boats. Anyway, that is it for now. We will update you when we are on the way. Take care everyone. Talk soon. The Team aboard Lilli Mae ![]() email: lilli_mae {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com blog: tracker: |