Leg 3 - Ayamonte - Canaries - "Out of Africa"

Lilli Mae
Tue 1 Oct 2019 02:54
Hi everyone,
2nd night at sea and at last we have found the wind. At this very moment (0430 local time) we are speeding along at 7 knots with 15-17 knots of wind. We were a little worried because we had to motor for more than a day. You might have seen our track wandering a little as we were trying to figure out if we needed to head for Casablanca to get fuel. Right now we have enough wind and fuel to make it direct to Las Palmas.
We have been watching Hurricane Lorenzo. I have attached a picture of our weather map and you can see it on there. I have marked where Las Palmas is in relation to the Hurricane and a little line showing our planned track. We are well clear of it so no worries! We think that we will get quite a lot of waves from the storm so we are planning our route to stay well clear of those.
We are now sailing of the coast of Morocco. The abusive language on the radio is unbelievable! We think it is the fisherman shouting and threatening at each other but they are doing it over the radio channel specifically dedicated for distress and emergency. Every now and then one of them broadcasts Arabic music over this same channel. Heaven knows what would happen if someone was in trouble! Fortunately we are quite a few miles away from them. I been up on deck and there is nothing in sight. It is completely black (dark) with only our yacht and the stars for light. No boats in sight. Last night we did shine a big torch off the stern (back) of the boat and discovered flying fish jumping around behind us. Nothing like that tonight. No dolphins or whales sighted since we left Spain either!
We tried to fish today but have not caught anything yet. We will let you know how we get on with that project.
Anyway signing off now. Need to go check all is OK on deck.
Talk soon.
Crew on Lilli Mae
Hurricane Lorenzo on our charts!
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