Leg 3 - Ayamonte - Canaries - "Out of Africa" - Update
Lilli Mae
Tue 1 Oct 2019 22:45
Hi everyone, Lilli Mae crew reporting in.
All is good on the good ship. 3rd night at sea and we
have force 5 winds on our back and we are speeding along again at 7 knots. We
are not quite on the heading we want but we will fix that tomorrow. We
anticipated the increase in the wind so we reefed the sails before it got dark.
Not as clear tonight and as a result the horizon is completely black. We can see
quite a few boats around on our instruments so we are having to take care.
The singing Moroccan fisherman having been on the radio again!
The sea state has been a little variable oscillating
between small and large swells. The sea colour is an amazing "azure"
We have been eating well. We had katsu (chicken) curry
this for lunch today which went down a storm with everyone. Tomorrow we have
beef stefado and mash potatoes. Can't wait!
Getting enough sleep is the main issue so I think that
we will probably spend less time chatting in the day and more time catching up
on rest following the 3 hour night watches.
Anyway that is it for today. Not much to report but
thought I would at least keep you updated.
I have had reports of some of you having trouble sending
or reading messages on the garmin in-reach? Hopefully you can at least track us
but if not let me know and I will try and fix it.
Take care.
The crew on Lilli Mae
** Please make sure not to send large files or messages
to us **
email:lilli_mae {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com
Tracker https://eur-share.inreach.garmin.com/LilliMae Blog http://blog.mailasail.com/lilli_mae |