Lilli Mae - On the way to Mo'Bay - Thursday 8th December

Lilli Mae
Thu 8 Dec 2022 10:41
We have 200 miles to go! We are still estimating arrival on the Saturday 10th but we will need to slow down in order to cross the line in daylight.

Right now we are in position 14 deg 22’ N 057 deg 24’ W with a heading due west straight to St Lucia. The wind is light but it is now coming from the north and so our heading is upwind. Our greeting party is assembling in Rodney Bay and although we are now in the final stages of the crossing there is a keeness in the Lilli Mae crew to make landfall and to tell stories to family, friends and other ARC participants who have become friends.

Not much really happened yesterday. So today there is not much to tell you about. We thought however it would be just good to share a few more pictures of life on board the good ship Lilli Mae and the crew at “work"!


Sharing out the shady after some hot work on deck. Emily making sure that there is no favouritism in the crew when it comes to our shandy breaks!

Here is where the crew threatened to leave Peter behind and make him swim the last 300 miles to Rodney Bay! Swim Peter swim…….

Michael’s chocolate milk shakes have become a crew favourite. Thanks Mike.
Interestingly enough we tried to find more pictures of us actually working on Lilli Mae but could not find any. Too much fun!

Anyway that enough for today. Tomorrow will be quite a moment as we will hopefully sight land for the first time in nearly 3 weeks.

Hope you are all well.
Take care

Crew aboard Lilli Mae

email: illi_mae {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com