Leg 2 - "The Big Cruise" is complete - Landed in Ayamonte

Lilli Mae
Sat 24 Aug 2019 15:16
Saturday 24th August 2019
We made it! Leg 2 (of Lilli Mae's Journey Home) is
complete. We arrived in Ayamonte Spain yesterday at about 1900 local
time. We did not have much wind on the way from Vilamoura so we motored the
last 25 or so miles to the marina. Mike and I have been here before and we
recognised the way up the Ayamonte river. The river is the border between
Portugal and Spain so we lowered the Portuguese flag and hoisted the
Man it's hot!
That is the end of leg 2. I called it the "Big Cruise"
leg because I suppose that is what is was. We logged nearly 600 nm in the 2
weeks we have been "at sea". We discovered some really cool places that we would
have never discovered if we had not sailed here. We will definitely plan a
return visit. Joan and James experienced their first night sailing. Mike
and I experienced our first "big sea".
Lilli Mae will stay here in Ayamonte for a couple of
weeks when Leg 3 starts. We are heading to the Canaries and we are hoping to do
a stop-over in Morocco. Leg 3 ("Trip to Africa") casts off on the 29th September
from Ayamonte with the Atlantic crossing crew on board. This will be a practise
run for leg 4 ("The Big One"). So keep an eye out for the
cast-off message.
Only 3825 nm to Montego Bay!
Lilli Mae over and out.
** Please make sure not to send large files or messages
to us **
email:lilli_mae {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com Tracker https://eur-share.inreach.garmin.com/LilliMae Blog http://blog.mailasail.com/lilli_mae |