Lilli Mae - On the way to Mo'Bay - Saturday 27th November

Lilli Mae
Sun 27 Nov 2022 16:34
Hello All, hope you are all well?

Well the big news is ……..Atlantic Fish 6, Team Lilli Mae 0. Since the start the 2 fishing lines have had 6 bites but we have not yet landed one. Another 3 got away today. Just before lunch today Andrew’s line snapped into action. We got the Mahi-Mahi within arms length and it got away. 

Needless to say the mood amongst the fishing team is sombre and the stories of what could have been have already started! The ships engineer (Michael) is trying to repair tackle that has malfunctioned under the strain to trying to get them on board so no more fishing today.

STOP PRESS… just in …..we have our first catch!

Sailing wise we are now heading west aiming straight for St Lucia. As we write (1506 UTC) our speed is 8 knots in wind on 16. We passed the 1000 nm sailed yesterday. We have not celebrated this yet…..still too much crying about the fish!

You can see the track we took in 2019 compared with the track we are on today. We are much further south this time.

Not much else has happened today/yesterday PM. We are now very much into our “sailing” stride. Our ships clock moved back by 1 hour today as we crossed 30 deg longitude. Andrew and Emily took the extended watch “hit” for the team.

As we speak we are talking to another boat quite close by on VHF. Amandla Kulu (a Hanse 505) are about 4-5 miles on our port side. We can’t see them but we have just had a chat. That was cool!

Anyway that is it for now.
Take care where ever you are.
Team Lilli Mae

email: illi_mae {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com