Looking for the sun

Erik Lindgren/Pia Hultgren
Sun 15 May 2016 00:27
16:43.68S 151:28.78W
Today we throwed off our bow-lines and headed NNW to look for the sun.
Honestly, for one month we have had so much rain in this area. This is not normal for this time of year, it has to do with the break up of the strong El Nino period.
Fresh water is nice, but as a Swede you know that it can be too much of it. As shown on the images we have almost fifty shades of grey –in the paradise!
So we now head towards Suwarrow, Cook Islands and the plan is to get away from the trough that causes the very unsettled weather.
I think already tomorrow, but definitely Monday we will find some sun again!
Sail on!

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