Just 'im and 'er again.

Sat 5 Mar 2011 12:02
Rodney Bay, St Lucia
14:04.47N 60:56.98W
The winds were still gusting most of Monday and at 0400 on Tuesday morning we got under way, and in pitch dark threaded our way through the anchored yachts many of which insist on not showing any lights - mad! As usual when we leave Prince Rupert Bay at that time it was raining but it did not last long. At 0800 as we cleared the southern end of the island. The seas were big and there were some squalls on the horizon and the light winds soon got going and we saw 30 knots as Robert on the helm surfed the swells with their breaking tops. We managed to avoid most of the rain which passed either north or south but we got a heavy downpour we approached the north end of Martinique. Sailing down the coast in the lee in calm water with plenty of wind is comparatively relaxing and at 1700 we anchored in Grande Anse D'Arlet off the pretty village.
The winds were still gusting most of Monday and at 0400 on Tuesday morning we got under way, and in pitch dark threaded our way through the anchored yachts many of which insist on not showing any lights - mad! As usual when we leave Prince Rupert Bay at that time it was raining but it did not last long. At 0800 as we cleared the southern end of the island. The seas were big and there were some squalls on the horizon and the light winds soon got going and we saw 30 knots as Robert on the helm surfed the swells with their breaking tops. We managed to avoid most of the rain which passed either north or south but we got a heavy downpour we approached the north end of Martinique. Sailing down the coast in the lee in calm water with plenty of wind is comparatively relaxing and at 1700 we anchored in Grande Anse D'Arlet off the pretty village.

Calm water in the lee.
The gastronomes were fretting for more French delights and we moved to the anchorage off the village of Trois Islets for a visit to the Fleur de Sel, formerly Les Passagers du Vent which must be one of the best restaurants in Martinique but on first aquaintance a rather unpreposessing building right on the main road. However the inside is beautiful and food matches the decor and the evening was all the better for us for being the guests of Rob and Dani.
Our last sail, hard on the wind in a fresh breeze, brought us to anchor in Rodney Bay where our punters had their last swim before we siddled into the marina. Sadly we bade them farewell, looking rather more tanned and relaxed than they had been when they arrived, and here on Saturday morning the boat is rather quiet and we will really miss them. Nevertheless the show goes on and we will be off for the Grenadines this weekend.

All packed up ready to