Still in Trinidad

Mon 4 Dec 2006 12:29
Chaguaramas 10:40.740N 61:37.890W
Oriole had her first outing yesterday and we had a
brief sail and then ended up on a mooring in front of the Kelshall's holiday
house at Monas for a swim and a beer. We tried out all the systems and it
seems that everything is working for the moment! The Christmas parties are
starting here with the local marine trades party last night with incredibly hot
spicey food and a great pan (steel) band. Tonight is the manager's party
at Crews Inn (the marina where we are). The manager was sacked on Friday so it
could well be a hostless free for all!! We plan to leave Trinidad
early on Wednesday morning for Grenada and then onwards for Antigua in time to
meet Robert and Dani. Andrew spoke to us from Mirabella V in the Canaries
on Tuesday and they should arrive about the same time.

Oriole ready in cruising