Cold turkey on Oriole

Sat 17 Feb 2007 20:08
Rodney Bay, St Lucia.  14:04.58N 60:56.95W
On another stunning Caribbean day we close reached to Dominica from the Saintes with the wind around 20 knots in company with AlShaheen, a sister ship to Troubadour, although shorter, and 1 foot on the waterline longer than Oriole.  No! we were not racing of course, but by the time we overtook AlShaheen who had started off before us we had declared it an honourable dead heat,  if you can make sense of that.
Line honours?
We took a tour, as we had with Fran and Erik, with John and Jenny (AlShaheen) and Jane to the Carib Settlement and some other fascinating sites, returning via to Chaudiere Pool for an invigorating freshwater swim and a visit to the rain forest to attempt to see one of the two species of rare and endangered indiginous parrots.  We did eventually see two in the late evening as they emerged from the rain forest to feed on the grapefruit trees. 
Bathing beauties cooling off at the Chaudiere Pool.
Jane and Jenny did the obligatory trip up the Indian River featured in Pirates of the Caribbean 2.  Jane was obviously quite a hit with Martin, their guide. 
Me Jane!
Sadly for Jane's last few days John went into a decline with a really bad throat rendering him almost unable to eat and drink.  For three days he drank no coffee or diet coke, his two favourite drinks, and hardly eat a thing.  But as his throat began to improve he still felt lousy with severe headache, when we all simultaneously diagnosed caffeine deficiency.  Within 20 minutes of drinking a can of coke his head cleared, the headache went and he felt normal again, albeit still with a sore thoat.  So for all you caffeine addicts out there do not stop drinking tea, coffee and coke or you will also go cold turkey.
Even more sadly Jane left us today from St Lucia to fly back to Antigua for her flight back to the UK.  We have booked her for another trip on Oriole.