Waterborne at last

Mon 21 Nov 2005 11:51
frustrated readers (are there any out there?) for our silence. What with 2
religious holidays and an impromptu Football World Cup Victory Holiday our
work programme on Oriole, which relied on the co-ordinated support of three
different craftsmen, was put back by several days. We were finally launched
on Saturday 19th but still with a lot of work to do. We had returned to
find Oriole in excellent condition and the air conditioning unit had kept
her fresh and sweet down below during the hot wet summer months. We have
been staying in the Kelshall's flat in Port of Spain and commuting in one of
Don's cars to the boat each day while she remains uninhabitable. Driving in
Trinidad is a nightmare until you realise that you have to assume that all
other drivers are going to do to unexpected. You certainly cannot assume
that at a green traffic light someone will not jump the lights to cross in
front of you. The use of a horn in anger is almost unknown because even the
most outrageous behaviour is the norm. We hope to move aboard this week
when the internal disruption of the boat settles down to manageable
proportions. It has been wonderful to stay in the Kelshall's
granny/daughter flat. Chris and Cathryn have shared the cooking of the
evening meal so that we feel that we have made a minor contribution to
offset their hospitality. Yesterday was our 29th wedding anniversary and
Cathryn had prepared a feast for us. Our insurance does not permit us to
leave Trinidad until December 1st so we are quietly getting on with the
jobs. The dry season is making a determined attempt to establish itself
which makes life easier and now that we are in the marina we have a swimming
pool at our disposal. Life could be worse! Sorry no pictures this week.