St David's Grenada. 12°00'N 61°40'W

If there is anyone still
out there reading this bumph Oriole was lifted out of the water promptly at 0900
on Tuesday and is now stripped down ready for the rigours of the Grenadian
summer. It has been mighty hot
working in the boatyard and we have been consuming at least 6 litres of fluid
per day to compensate for the sweat pouring off us. By Thursday night the boat was pretty
uninhabitable and we moved out to a little hotel on the beach in the next
bay. We have been getting up at
about 0530 (first light) and walking through the woods to the yard to start the
day’s work and by 1600 the need for a swim has been overpowering so after
another 20 minute walk back we have been able to fall into the surf and then
revive with a rum punch. If only
laying-up at home could be such fun. We fly home on Thursday, so you can put
down your mouse and pack away your computer until next October when we hope that
you may be still interested enough to log on for further instalments! If you have been, thank you for sharing
our fun.