What a twit!

Sun 27 Nov 2005 17:21
painful related to a healing cut on his upper shin. Three days of
antibiotics has dramatically improved the situation which is very kindly
being overseen by ex-Plymouth plastic surgeon Victor Blackburn. For 24 hours
he was proper poorly! The two new deck hatches are now installed but Lewmar
(hitherto respected UK manufacturers) supplied identical hatches to the ones
we were replacing but all the screw holes were in slightly different places,
turning what should have been a quick job into a marathon. We hope the
Chairman and Chief Executive are suffering from the voodoo curse we have put
on them. Famous last words, but the dry season seems to have started
inspite of the presence of Tropical Storm Delta in mid Atlantic. We are
still hoping to leave Trinidad on schedule but as the boat is still in chaos
inside we are still enjoying the hospitality of the Kelshall's flat. Driving
in Trinidad is quite interesting. In theory they observe the same Highway
Code as the UK, but that is where the similarity ends. Lane discipline is
non existant, indicators almost unused, and if you assume that any
approaching driver or pedestrian is likely to do something outrageous you
are likely to be correct. Curiously zebra crossings, although marked out
exactly as they are in the UK are used as bus stops, parking places etc, and
anything else designed to make their use by pedestrians more hazardous. We
think it is fair to assume that any Trinidadian driving test is taken on
fair ground dodgems. We have met up with John and Sally Melling from Newton
Ferrers who have just completed a circumnavigation of South America in
Taraki. Taraki is now undogoing a major refit.
We hope it will not be too long before our refit is over and we can report
some sailing activity.