Grenada Post Hurricane Ivan
Sun 24 Oct 2004 19:43
Sunday 24th October
This is our first diary of the new season. We flew
back to Grenada on Tuesday 19th Oct,
and this was how we found Oriole. We are just about
to go aboard to investigate.
We found, a rather torn cover and 6 bent
stanchions, some very minor gelcoat damage but alot better off than
The yard is very busy righting the downed boats and
moving others so we will have to wait our turn for
work that needs doing. Unfortunately we will
therefore not be ready for Cathie and Charles' visit at the
beginning of Dec. We will just have to go with the
flow - even John!!! Meanwhile we are getting on
with our own jobs
in 36.5 C in the cabin with fans on and hatches
We are staying over at La Sagesse which is only
taking yachties at the moment as Mike has no electricity, the numbers fluctuate
between about 10
and 4 people. The generator should have arrived
yesterday but is now promised for Tuesday. Apart from damage the dining room
roof and a few trees missing as you can see La Sagesse looks great. We are being
fed very well considering there is very little
fresh fruit and veg to be had on the island and what is available comes up from
Trinidad. When you ask the locals how they are they reply "We're getting there".
It's great to be back, we enjoy
our 0600 and 1800 swims in the warm sea and we have been made to
feel very welcome.