Don't laugh but.................the weather...................!

Tue 4 Mar 2008 23:07
Fort de France, Martinique 14:33.2N
We had two lovely days in the Saintes
followed by a quick stop in Portsmouth, Dominica and some really good
sailing. In the Saintes the obligatory visit to Boutique Maogany
emptied our coffers. We had gone to buy a pair of shorts (male), but
emerged in addition with 2 pairs of shorts (female), a dress and trouser suit
and Yves, the owner, was trying very hard to sell us a house,
![]() ![]() Chez
chère Maogany.............
...........but the view is free.
In Dominica we replenished our
stock of fruit and veg of which there is never any shortage.
![]() It should be raining in
Since then the weather has gone to
pot again and we sailed across to Martinique in mostly only 20 knots of wind but
with big seas and heavily overcast with long periods of heavy rain. "When will
it stop raining?" we keep asking, and the answer seems to be sometime
in the next month! It has been the coldest February in Antigua for the
last 50 years, and until more easterly winds set in bringing warm dry air
and dust from the Sahara the weather is unlikely to change and the trade
winds will continue to drive in much heavier cloud than is
![]() but it's sure raining in Fort de
Yesterday in the shelter of Anse Mitan
we had sustained winds of 27 knots and a lots of rain, so again we are waiting
for the sea to go down to give us a more relaxing trip down to St Lucia and on
to Bequia. However right now it is 30C and we have a choice of
good French restaurants close at hand. "Wimps" do I hear you say?
Well, we do not need to put on our Northern European hair shirts just yet!
This is the Caribbean after all.