Great Peter

Jack and Hannah Ormerod and Lucia, Delphine & Fin
Mon 6 Feb 2017 13:39
Position: 18:21.36N 64:34.59W

As Quest's crew sniffled their way through normally unheard-of-midday movies - our solar panels working hard for their dinner yesterday - some of the other swabs had work to do...

Quest takes, as Mr Dylan says, 'Just Like a Woman'. Five days of officialdom had left her hull a dull brown instead of bright blue. This meant Dive Time with a cloth in our hands. Upside down and scrubbing for an hour, we were lucky enough to have a three-foot tarpon sitting on the sand underneath us like a guard at our new anchorage. More fleshy and generous-looking than the great needle-toothed barracuda, she spent her time waving her pectoral fins in the current; 'you missed a bit over there, no over there...' Apparently satisfied at the end, she swam off into blue. Where to you going? 

We moved around Peter Island to its Great Harbour yesterday morning, the ups and downs of the winter trade winds being a guarantee of life here. We hear wind’s coming for Monday and Tuesday to blow our colds away. Luckily, Great Harbour is definitely more sheltered than Key Point, her water like stained glass. We managed to grab a spot in the lee of the headland. A Swiss boat was pulling up her hook and we watched craftily from the distance before moving in... anchoring in the BVIs can be like trawling a church's overflow car park. So now no rock' n 'roll - yippee! - just a little bit of nail biting... we are very close to this headland… 

Watching this space. 

Love from Quest and her crew xx