Delphine and her cruise ships

Jack and Hannah Ormerod and Lucia, Delphine & Fin
Tue 22 Sep 2015 06:19
Position: 28:07.8N 15:25.5W

Hi everybody,

Well we made it to Gran Canaria and are now anchored just off the beach in Las Palmas, the beach where they may have some of the hottest sand in the world: we'll take pics of Ellie's blistered feet to prove it. Only Delphine was smart enough to wet her feet in the beach shower before we hauled it to the dinghy!! 😎☀️🐾

Dad is super happy too, they have loads of boat fixing/improving shops here and he keeps disappearing to them in the dinghy. Fin goes with him and waits in the dinghy in the meantime just in case he leaves without her.

Also, there's lots of cruise ships here which makes you know who very happy. Do you see the big pod hanging on top of that blue one? Isn't that crazy?

Write soon,

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