Ways to Make a Dive Compressor Work..

Jack and Hannah Ormerod and Lucia, Delphine & Fin
Sun 22 Jan 2017 20:57
As the storm clouds rolled in, our dive compressor had a little problem. Corrosion, putting the electric kettle on at the same time as filling tanks, we aren’t exactly sure what happened. We cringed anyhow. Thanked Quest for having trip switches. The Cap however wasn’t going to be defeated. Earlier he’d seen a large Puerto Rican Racer snake on the beach. Aggressive, mildly poisonous. Then his eyelid got sliced by Fin in a dinghy jumping accident. At first, we couldn’t tell if the blood was actually coming out of his eyeball. When the blood stopped, we went to our dive site, missed the first dive buoy and temporarily lost the gaff to the um, sea. Finally, after we passed Dead Man’s Chest Island (See, John!), the dive compressor joined Fin and had a meltdown. Hold on, another meltdown on Quest? For this, the Cap had just the thing. Extension leads and insulation tape later.. dive bottles filled. We had one black-eyed and happy Cap! 

Love from Quest and her crew xx