Black Point

Stephen and Roberta Arnold
Thu 13 Jan 2011 22:34
24:06.0862N 076:24.1160WThursday January 13, 2011 4PMWe arrived in Black Point Tuesday after a shorter than expected stay at Staniel Cay. Every time I guess how long we'll be someplace I'm wrong so I'll stop guessing.Black Point is a small town, it has one main street and it takes less than 10 minutes to walk from one end to the other. In town there are 2 restaurants, a bar, a launder mat, a grocery store smaller than a 2 car garage, and some of the friendliest people we have met.We were at the dinghy landing about to walk to the laundry with a bag of wash when the laundry manager drove up in her golf cart and offered us a ride. Turns out she was on her way home for lunch and saw us so stopped to give us a lift. It wasn't a long ride but the effort was appreciated.After laundry we went to one of the restaurants to use their wifi. We weren't hungry - no problem. There was a computer room off the dining room where we could sit down and connect. No charge, just a can for donations.The town is so small we haven't taken any pictures, but since we'll be here one more day we'll make an effort to take some.So now for some pictures from some of the Cays we have already visited. This is to make up for all the posting where we didn't have internet. It will also be like looking at someone else's vacation photos so don't feel obligated to read on.Allens Cay - Our first stop after Nassau and home of the iguanasI posted one picture of an iguana all but alone, but they also like to get together for an afternoon happy hour
As do the conchs
Meanwhile Roberta is out beating the bushes
Shroud Cay - This is part of the Exuma Park and is actually a series of small islands and mangrove trees and tidal streams that we could explore in our dinghy
Although the anchorage was fairly wide open
I still had some very nice and secluded beaches
Wardrick Wells Cay - We spent a week here, partly because of weather and partly because of how pretty it is.
It is also home to Boo-Boo Hill. This is a place where cruisers leave pieces of driftwood with their names on it. Some of the pieces are simply done with markers while others are almost carving masterpieces. We did see some boats that we recognized.
It is not a small pile
The island also had some interesting wildlife like this hermit crab
And whale skeleton
Staniel CayThe most memorable part of this stop was Big Major Cay next door. It is the home to a number of pigs that will come out to meet you in your dinghy should you get close to shore. The are expecting to be fed.
I don't know much about pigs and these seem to have especially long snouts and are very tame.
And have a face only a mother would love
So that's it for pictures this time.