Pete's adventures in Salalah part 4

Adventures in
Salalah part 4 We
are still here in Salalah and trying to keep ourselves busy. The ship
which is going to transport our boats should be here by the 27th of
April. So
here are a few photo’s and comments of what we have been doing over the
past few days. Ian, Glenda, John and myself
needed to get away from the boats so we planned a trip to the Anti Gravity
Road. (AGR) The AGR is a newly constructed road which heads up into the
mountains. As you approach it there is a section that looks like you are going
downhill. Wrong! You stop take the car out of gear and you start rolling
backwards. How strange, must be something to do with the gravity!!!
We carried on up the road into the interior and it was definitely up hill. The road had some great viewing
spots. We carried on to a sink hole where we observed an eagle soaring
below us. It was a magnificent sight but unfortunately hard to capture on
camera. There wasn’t any water in the sink so someone must have pulled
the plug out!!!!. On Wednesday we a group of us
headed back to the BBQ beach where we enjoyed an afternoon of snorkelling,
swimming, and eating. Here are Steve and Maria and Harley and April enjoying themselves. There was some drinking involved
as well, but as you can see it was non alcoholic, to conform with the local
custom of NO BOOZE. Here is Allden passing around the orange juice. I know I have said this before
BUT this beach is spectacular and we were the only ones there. How lucky
are we to be stuck in Oman. BUT we do need to get away from this
place. Not long now we hope. An unussual photo for
Oman. Clouds in the sky. On Saturday Dave from Angel
organized a day out visiting some of the attractions to the east of
Salalah. The first place we visited was Sumhuram an archaeological site
dating back to 3rd century BC . This site which is in the
process of being restored was allegedly the palace of the Queen of Sheba.
It was a major trading port whose main export was Frankincense. The natural harbour now has a
sand bar across it. This probably caused the demise of this community. Slow progress being made by the
handful of workers, but the results were fantastic giving you a real insight into
living conditions all those years ago. The BWR exploration team.
It was now lunch time so off to the beach we went. No BBQing this time. We
had called into LULU’s the local hypermarket on the way and picked up
lots of goodies to eat. Afterwards a swim and snorkel was called for. This was one of the most interesting
snorkelling trips I have been on whilst here in Oman. I spotted this huge
Sting Ray trying to hide in the sand. It must have been a couple of feet
across. I also spotted this large well camouflaged Porcupine fish. I got surrounded by a very large
shoal of snapper fish? They followed me for quite a while, completely surrounding
me at times. Valery from Angel had the same experience. I managed to get
it on video of it and it looks great. I then came across this brightly
coloured Butterfly fish. I had never seen one with those colours
before. Isn’t nature amazing?? We were visited by a heard of
camels which rounded off our fantastic afternoon on the beach. True ships
of the desert. A bit of luxury was then called
for. We headed to the Marriott hotel which is situated in the middle of nowhere
and seemed to only have a couple of guests. We went for a swim in the fantastic
pool and then sat and drank non alcoholic drinks for a while. In the foyer
of the hotel there is a massive model of what the hotel and surrounds should
look like in five years. I don’t think it will happen. This
hotel will be stuck in the middle of the desert all alone for the rest of its
days. On the way back we headed to the
Suk where Mark sat and had a shave and I modelled a head dress for Chrissy who
was looking to buy it for Mark. Yes I do look silly I hope Mark looks
better in it. More to come later. |