12:02.8 N 44:05.3 W

Sula Sula III
Sat 31 Dec 2022 17:56
Apparently this blog has a European significance.... This pleases me (as a committed European) so we thought we should wish our International family a happy new year in a variety of languages....

Aan alle mensen ter zee of aan wal (hoger of lager): Beste wensen en wind in de zeilen voor 2023!

Des del mig de l'Atlaqntic us desitgem un feliç any nou a tothom que es digni a llegir aquest bog! Fugiu cap al Carib abans que el 2023 us agafi en pilotes ;)

Desde la mar os deseo feliz año moren@s! Hoy por fin nos lo hemos tomado más relajado , seguimos adelante con ánimo y fuerzas renovadas después de tremendo banquete, le pedimos una ducha a papa noel pero ese Viejo gruñón solo nos mandó mar de través ... Un Abrazo

Just a note from me sending all my love to my wonderful family, and all the people who have supported this adventure; The College and County team, all at Skeets yard and Levington, Falmouth and St Mawes Sailing Club, Ed and Marcello and of course the current team who have turned into a pretty fine bunch of sailors!! What a magical New Year I am having!! Thank you all!!
Feast of very fine Tapas as a bit or warm up!

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