Bay of Bengal Day 2

Terry & Fiona
Tue 10 May 2011 02:19
03:42.25 n
075: 03.57 e

0715 (0215gmt)
we departed Male yesterday at 0945 with help from a local boat captain to
help us pick our way out through all the anchor lines. we just use 1 anchor
on a chain that sinks to the bottom, the local boats use between 3 and 5
anchors all on floating rope that extend for about 250m in every direction.
it doesn't leave much room for manouvering!

we've just clocked up 100 miles and have been sailing (ie no engine) since
1230 yesterday. winds are steady SW 12-15 knots but the sea is a bit lumpy
and we seem to have a current against us as we'd expect higher speeds with
these conditions.

all well on board. off for some breakfast now.