
Terry & Fiona
Fri 15 Apr 2011 11:08
03:04.76 n
072:57.31 e
all day motoring so that we made the miles to Magoodhoo anchorage at the south of Faafu Atoll.
we had a squall come close by, the wind increased a bit, but no rain.
We caught our first fish of the year - a very  pretty 5lb dorado!
we checked out the anchorage at Biledhoo but the westerly wind was blowing a nasty chop and it all looked deep. so we have come next door to Magoodhoo. there is a small island in the SE corner and a sandbank to the south - not that they are helping with the west wind, only 10 kts. it’s a bit shallower here at 8-10m.