What The Children Can Teach Us

What The Children Can Teach Us
Sailing around the world in the last seven years, we have visited 37 countries aboard our Tayana 47, Peregrina.
One of the most disturbing eye-openers of our trip has been the proliferation of plastics and non-biodegradable trash and garbage contaminating our oceans and beaches. Did you know that there is approximately 14 BILLION pounds of trash, much of it plastic, dumped into the world’s ocean’s every year? We sure have seen a lot of it!
But, every once in a while, we run across a source of positive energy that urges us all to do better, to respect the environment and care for nature like a beloved family member.
This is the story of how one small school in Zihuatanejo, Mexico is fighting to create a better tomorrow.
The school is Prepa 5 and the battleground they have chosen is the scenic walkway and beaches of Zihuatanejo. The children got sick and tired of adults throwing garbage on the beach where they play and into the water where they swim. So, they decided to do something about it.
Margie and I first became aware of their efforts during our early morning walk along the seawall (El Malecon) each day. On this beachfront walkway, we noticed dozens of hand-painted wooden signs by the students in Prepa 5. The signs are attached to light posts; leaned against the rocks or hung on trees.
Here are some of the signs and a translation.
“In this paradise,
there is no place for garbage”
“The destiny of this world is in your
“What are you going to do?”
“Help me to heal myself”
“A clean city is not the one that
sweeps up after itself the most
But the one that dirties itself the least. Don’t throw garbage!”
“We don’t want half an environment,
We want it all”
Recently, I went to the Prepa 5 school to meet the director, Pedro Lambera Farias and the biology teacher, Eduardo Torres Soto. These fine teachers encouraged their kids to be patrons of the earth.
To make the signs, the kids buy their own wood and paint and then go out and place the signs where they think they will do the most good. It was such a pleasure to hear them talk about their efforts and the pride they take in their community. I will be returning soon to talk to them about Peregrina’s trip and to have a discussion on the environment.
Below you’ll see Pedro and Eduardo and some of their students. The slogan on the wall says;
“I think big
I think about my future
I am Prepa 5”