Salcombe to Lymington

Kevin & Victoria Rolling
Mon 25 Jul 2011 09:25
We left Salcombe Sunday evening at 7pm after spending an enjoyable couple of days moored next to my brothers boat just off the town quay. The egg shaped swelling on my head has gone down and I should be left with a respectable scar to remind me of the weekend.
We had a curry en route - it being the last night out we just had to !
With not much wind we have had a very pleasant motor assisted passage of about 95nm with calm seas and three sleeping girls on board. Johnny and I stood two hour watches throughout the night and with a little snooze after lunch we'll be non the worse for it.
It's 9.30 am and we are in the Needles Channel at the west of the Isle of White. We will be moored in Lymington within an hour so.
Kevin Rolling