End day 4

Kevin & Victoria Rolling
Sat 25 Jun 2011 13:23
44 52n : 17 13w
A wonderful days sailing and good distance covered - 171nm. We are still flying the spinnaker and hopefully will continue to do so until this evening when the breeze is set to veer 60*  -  90* over night to put us on a reach / beat (fast & comfortable / not so fast & uncomfortable) to the finish with F3 (nice) winds most of the way.
We have heard four friends on two other boats have not been so fortunate and are returning to the Azores because of serious problems (it could so easily have been us !) - power failure (Equilibrium) and rudder bearing breakdown (Embla 3).  The latter is particularly difficult to deal with and I hope they make it without loosing their wonderful boat where we spent some happy times during our stay in the Azores. Graham and Roy, two young at heart 70 year olds, whom I met on the last AZAB four years ago should have no problem getting back - very unfortunate and hard work it will be though.
Time to catch up on some sleep I think.....
K & M x