Race to Falmouth

Kevin & Victoria Rolling
Mon 27 Jun 2011 17:28
48 2n : 11 3w
It's turned out to be a lovely afternoon with a good stiff breeze and sea state improving all the time - the flatter it gets the faster we go. We've been mach racing side by side with another boat, much bigger and heavier than us and therefore able to handle the bigger seas all day. If the sea calms just a little more I think we will have him tonight.
Another battery seems to have given up and we are charging the remaining two every couple of hours, we have plenty of diesel so its not a problem. The rudder bearing had worked its self very loose again last night and we had great fun tightening it up again while it was lurching from side to side coping with the rough sea this morning.
We are just 50nm short of the continental shelf and will cross it in the early hours tomorrow. It's usually a very busy area for fishing vessels and it often seems as though the fishermen see yachts as fare game and go out of their way to get in our way as much as possible.....I remember four years ago in the same place I had to ask Johnny (co skipper in the last azab) to come up on deck and check I had read all the navigation lights of the many different fishing vessels correctly to see which way they were heading. Its always a pitch black night when I approach this place - never a sunny afternoon with good visibility !
The weather is now perfect for HCC on the sundeck - Matt will be pleased when he wakes up......
K & M x