beating to windward

Kevin & Victoria Rolling
Fri 10 Jun 2011 23:44
40 10n : 21 45w
Making excellent progress towards W end of Sao
Miguel we are beating to windward in 25 - 30kts of breeze with accompanying
rough sea state. Lots of air time and crash landings but Merlin is made of
strong far....
We have tacked a couple of times as the wind has
shifted direction, Matt making the last call quite inconveniently as I was
in a deep sleep has put us on a near perfect course. We had been imagining
outrageously long tacks across our route as the wind is coming from where we
want to go but we have been lucky so far as we start the last push to the
Both sets of navigation lights are on the blink
(literally) so most of the time we are driving with no lights on - fortunately
not too many people are out this evening.
Back to the ride.....
K & M x