Our lucky day

Kevin & Victoria Rolling
Sun 26 Jun 2011 19:14
47 4n : 14 21w
Earlier we passed within 50m of a huge buoy that
must have broken away from its mooring - if we'd hit it it could
easily have sunk us ! It was partially submerged with an orange cylinder
sticking up vertically 2m and a dome shaped body level with the water surface
about 2m across.
Our instruments are again playing up but this time
it looks like a software problem which we cannot fix. Its effecting the wind
instruments and the log (Speedo) at the moment and we hope the auto helm
which is part of the same system will stay functional. Not to worry though we
only have 430nm to go.....
Good progress this afternoon in light winds which
we expect to be fairly constant for the next few days. The barometer says rain
is on its way and sure enough there are rain clouds ahead. Too cool on the sun deck for HCC supper so we had to eat
inside for the first time. Matt insisted he needed something different tomorrow
but I persuaded him that we'd have it just twice more and then he could have
what he's been hallucinating about all week - Fish n
Time for my first watch....
K & M x