Island tonight

Kevin & Victoria Rolling
Sun 12 Jun 2011 08:53
38 43n : 23 30w
What a change we are storming along. The wind has
dropped to about 15kts the direction has veered slightly and the sea state
improving all the time. We are still beating in to the wind but at almost 7 kts
that's OK. Oh yes and the sun is out - perfect
We will dry off one of the bunks soon so we can
take it in turns to sleep throughout the day and empty the bilge (Mmm lovely) -
a wave broke over the boat last night and caught us with the hatch open, a
torrent pored in but not enough to cause a problem.
With any luck we will see the east side of the
Island this evening, we'll still be about 50 miles short of the finish but
the first land for over a week !
Life is good !
K & M