Be cafeful what you wish for

Kevin & Victoria Rolling
Mon 27 Jun 2011 03:58
47 28n : 13 9w
We have been praying for a little more wind all day
- well it arrived just after midnight. We had full sails up at the time. Merlin
was clearly overpressed and sailing along at an alarming angle. We went out and
put in a reef (shortened the sail) in the mainsail and things immediately
improved but within a few minutes we were putting in a second reef and again
things immediately improved.
Two minutes later the wind had again increased
alarmingly and we were out on the foredeck changing the head sail for the
smaller one. At last we had control !
Back in the cabin we were laughing and joking and
one of us (who will remain nameless)accidently caught the off switch for the
auto pilot......Merlin, now out of control, starts to circle at alarming speed
and ferocity. The boom was flailing violently from side to side looking
for someone to knock over board. Matt who was closest dived out on deck and had
the wheal under control within seconds and Merlin back on course. Auto pilot
again engaged and we were once again underway.
We estimate the wind to be blowing at around F7
(wind instruments not working) and now accompanied by torrential rain. Matt's
off watch and asleep for a couple of hours and I am looking forward to the
sun coming up and the violent motion to become more reasonable - these things
always happen at night.
K & M x