Sao Miguel 70 nm to the east

Kevin & Victoria Rolling
Sun 12 Jun 2011 19:27
37 48n : 23 37w
We have made our turn towards Sao Miguel just 70 nm
to the east. The breeze as usual is not ideal and our best angle of attack puts
us north of the island, however the breeze is predicted to back by 22* over
night so as we follow it around we should be nearer our target to run down the
south side. If our wind instruments were working they could tell the auto pilot
to follow the wind automatically. As they are not we will have to watch for the
shifts constantly to use there effect as soon as possible.
The breeze has just started to drop, as predicted
so Matt is just on the foredeck hanking on our biggest Jib
to increase our speed to hopefully 6kts.
The sea is calm for a change and we are looking
forward to a pleasant nights sail......
K & M x