We've got wind

Kevin & Victoria Rolling
Fri 10 Jun 2011 17:55
40 26n :21 19w
The wind has returned with a vengeance we'll not be left wanting that is for sure!
It is coming directly from where we want to go so we will be watching for little shifts in its direction to give us an advantage as we tack down towards the Island. We are following a southerly track at the moment to take advantage of westerly wind shifts we expect over night. This track will also avoid the worst of the strong winds which would slow us down considerably if we headed further west.
Nearly supper time now as we like to eat together and then take it in turns for a little nap before the night watches of 2hrs on and 2 off begin. Curry for me but Matt is still undecided - he'll soon make his mind up when the aroma fills the cabin........
Cheers for now,
K & M x