Sprint finish

Kevin & Victoria Rolling
Tue 28 Jun 2011 17:43
49 21n : 6 54w
We've had an excellent day so far with some of our
fastest sailing of the race. The breeze is about 20kts and we are on a beam
reach (fast and comfortable) There is much more shipping around now and we
will be crossing main shipping channels for most of the night - not
much chance for sleep until we cross the finishing line, which could be as
early as 06.00 tomorrow if we can maintain our present speed of 8.2kts that we
have been doing all afternoon !
Much discussion about what's on the menu for supper
and I'm sure I need not expand further....
We have only a few minutes left on the Satellite
phone account which must now be saved for emergencies so this will be the last
blog until we are within mobile range just south of the Lizard - EARLY TOMORROW
K & M x