Day 3

Kevin & Victoria Rolling
Fri 24 Jun 2011 13:06
42 43n : 19 53w
We had a difficult night trying to keep boat speed
up and both needed sleep this morning.
I've had a swollen finger for a few days and caught
it on something as we were changing sails at 3am, the foredeck and sail are
covered in blood this morning - fingers' a lot better though.
Looking at this mornings weather chart we
still need to keep north of the rheum line to avoid a high pressure zone and
light winds and also to make better use of NW winds in a few days
Conditions now allow us to fly a spinnaker this
afternoon. Matt has just been preparing the foredeck and saw a large Turtle
making a dash to get out of our way - just missed it !
A good 24 hour run of 168nm for day three.and about
768 to go....
K & M x