Day six

Kevin & Victoria Rolling
Mon 27 Jun 2011 11:32
47 45n : 11 58w
Still a lot more wind than forecast and a rough
confused sea which slows us down. The direction of the wind is due to back over
the next 24 hours so we have altered course a little further south which gives
us extra speed and a little more comfort from the constant slamming in to waves
We are still making over 7kts so that is very good.
Water is leaking on to the bunk we both sleep on so
we are once again living and sleeping in our foulies - lovely !
At 14.00 today and the end of
day six, we will have 300nm left to do so two more good days should see us
in Falmouth on Wednesday afternoon..... or if we keep this speed up,
Wednesday morning - that would be good !
K & M x