Parked up

Kevin & Victoria Rolling
Thu 9 Jun 2011 00:29
42 45n :18 28w
What an evening we have had - the wind grew to F6 and we were driving Merlin straight in to it. We were making good progress but leaping off the top of huge waves. We feared the boat could not stand the pounding for long so we took the sensible option and slowed things down. A much more comfortable experience although off our route, aloud us to relax and take in the fantastic splendour of huge waves, torrential rain, a perfect double rainbow and the Sun came out just in time to set magnificently.
We continued until Midnight when the wind again died on us, leaving a huge swell that rocks the boat violently. The Boom swinging from side to side waiting to catch one of us off guard had to be tamed. So we let down the main sail, lashed the helm over and backed the Jib, we were hove too or parked up waiting for the return of the wind to take us on our way.
We can now safely go to sleep - in fact you may be able to hear Matt snoring already.
We don't want to miss the wind so we'll take it in turns to sleep.
Night night......   
K & M