The AA Guide to Motoring in the Atlantic

John and Sally
Thu 28 Nov 2024 08:08

The AA Guide to Motoring in the Atlantic

21:19.4N 020:36.5W

Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I.
But when the sails begin to fill, the wind is passing by.

Under power for 24 hours. It’s not entirely calm - because there is a large north easterly swell - but it is peaceful. Of course we’re happy to be here, well fed and excited (because you gotta be excited)……but it’s not quite what we bargained for. Particularly at night when there’s no wind, no moon and nothing on the horizon. It’s like driving into an enormous black hole or heading towards that imaginary datum level beyond which everything else ceases to exist.

I begin to worry about Wiggy because when I took over the watch from him at four this morning he was starting to talk about Little Green Men. As for me; I’m fine, I’m fine, really, I’m fine………

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