Day 6 on the high seas - 1000 miles gone

John and Sally
Sat 28 Nov 2009 11:58
22:24.807N 31:46.158W
1000 miles under our belt and the temptation to
start guessing the arrival time. Currently 10 december at 1034! As we speed up
down waves it get earlier and of course when the wind drops it is next New Year
so who knows.
Had a fast 6 hours yesterday with the spinnaker up
(see phot) to add some miles. Averaged about 8 knots with time up at 11+.
Last night was also fast but we throttle back at
night - poling out the genoa (front sail) to provide a steady downwind set up.
Still averaged about 7 knots in 15-20 kts of breeze.
Not seen another boat for 24hours but we remain
with our plan and are sailing the great circle route for minimum miles. Will be
interesting to speak to other skippers when we get there to understand why they
are further south. For those non navigators amongst our readers, you have to
sail a slightly curved line on the chart to make a great circle. If you draw a
straight line on most charts you end up South and do more miles. We will
No fish today but our third loaf looks good - Irish
bread-mix in the oven.
Boat is performing really well and we have about 55
boats in front of us out of 225 - 163 of them are bigger so we are
John, Jonathan, Guy,