The Job's List Mounts

John and Sally
Tue 9 Mar 2010 12:31
Well Jeff and Shannon headed back to Jacksonville
yesterday after a great weekend where we proved it was possible to catch up on
10 years over a weekend. Fantastic to see them both.
Our jobs list is increasing - we have now broken
the furler jam cleat, but hopefully the dinghy floor will arrive today and the
mainsail is in for repair. The UV has obviously taken its toll on any plastic
parts so we intend to take the next few days to check over everything and
service those items that need it.
Sally went up the mast to recover the halyard so
bravery awards all round (see phot)
Going to move to the historic Nelson's Dockyard
later today for a change of scene and a dock that doesn't mean a 3ft climb up to
get off the back of juniper!