Day 7 - a recod 24hrs

John and Sally
Sun 29 Nov 2009 12:22
21:54.124N 35:03.813W
Well the winds satayed as forecast - probably more
in the upper band avernight of 25 kts so we flew. I calculate we made 185 miles
which is great for Juniper @ 7.7kts average over 24hrs.
We have moved into a good steady routine with meals
taken around the sunrise sunset so we do not change our watches but adapt by
eating at different times. So much easier to stay on GMT so reporting etc is not
Eating well but motion is very tiring on the body.
Getting airborne in your bunk doesn't help sleep!
Added a pic of dinner last night. Warm day and
night now.
We are keeping to our strategy and will see half
way later on monday. So far about 1200 miles gone.
Our Shore Director (Sally) tells us we have about
60 boats ahead which means 160 behind which is fantastic. Lot's of them much
larger and should go faster. We are 165th longest of 225 (roughly).
Hope the blog gives you an insight into our day -
any questions please e-mail us (not of a personal nature!!!!!!).
juniper at mailasail dot com (if I type correctly
spammers can hit us).
Stop press - another Wahoo just landed - this one
was returned to the sea. Not enough variety in our diet apparently.
John, Jonathan, Guy,